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Benefits of Data Management Solution

Simplify and automate storage

Select, customize, publish, and activate storage workflows, speed time to market, and manage storage by service level objectives.

Bank-grade Security

The RPA platform with bank-grade security architecture and centralized controls that exceed the RPA security, compliance, and governance requirements of global enterprises.

High-performance workloads

Get consistent high performance for data-intensive applications, access data more frequently, and scale compute and storage independently.

Cloud management efficiency

Move data to the cloud easily, directly schedule storage resources, and manage all development datasets from a single user interface.

Better intelligence, smarter operations

Optimize your environment through predictive insights and make informed decisions that result in reclaimed resources and reduced IT spending.

Our Data Management Solution Offerings

Master Data Management

We offer a modular, comprehensive MDM solution designed for flexibility: Start with your most pressing data pain points and business needs, then grow the system as your needs expand.

Data Privacy

Our data privacy solutions are designed to help you discover personal and sensitive data, understand data movement, link identities, analyze risk, and remediate problems with AI-driven automation.

Data Preparation

Unify data using proprietary technology solutions for migrating, curating, integrating, and organizing it to make it ready for holistic data mining, 360 degree view of the data continuum, and pattern analysis towards data discovery.

Data Synchronization

We enable data synchronization across all operational and transactional systems – helping you reuse the same business logic across data synchronization modes for high performance, greater consistency, and lower costs

Data Quality

We enable your organization to trust all of its data—for all projects, stakeholders, and applications—at all times. We offer consistent data quality, turning enterprise data into trusted data.

Data Migration

We streamline and automate the data migration processes with a combination of methodology, technology and services – helping you migrate data easier, with fewer risks, and at lower costs.

Data Governance

We make sure that the enterprise data is the trusted data that can be used to increase revenues, cut operational costs and reduce risk, thus providing the highest level of customer satisfaction.

Data Ingestion

Extract information and integrate high volumes of multi-structured and fast moving data from different sources including enterprise systems, free text documents, portals & websites and social media.

Data Warehouse

We help IT departments to implement the departmental data warehouses & data marts and readily scale them up to the data warehousing environments. This solution hastens the data warehousing project deployment, minimizes risks and reduces costs

Help Your Organization Embrace Change


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Frequently Asked Questions

Data has enormous potential when managed properly. Data management ensures that data is in the right place, at the right time, in the correct format, and that usage is governed for all users. Managed data that is high-quality, consistent, and compatible can be used to make informed business decisions and reports, optimize business operations, reduce costs, facilitate sustained business growth, and generally improve overall operations management.

Start your data management journey today

Talk to an expert to learn how to get started.